Blog Posts

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Virtual Reality: Good or Evil?
Written on October 10, 2019

Virtual reality is an emerging technology on account of its ability to change the state of affairs within a society. It is usually composed of a headset and occasionally gloves which allow the user to completely immerse themselves into a virtual 3D environment free of physical, real life entities... Finish Reading

man in freezing conditions
Hypothermia in Gaming
Written on October 15, 2019

The human body can be so strong yet so fragile. Its responds to different situations is a spectacle of evolution. Sometimes these responses are implemented properly in gaming contexts and sometimes they are not. So, how can we properly implement it into a game system... Finish Reading

musical notes
Popular Music and the Economic Divide
Written on November 2, 2019

The theory that popular culture exists to mask the existence of economic disparity is associated with the relationship between the superstructure and the base. Karl Marx , a theorist of Power, explains how the base is the powerhouse of society ... Finish Reading

african soldier
Media’s Representation of Africa
Written on November 2, 2019

In popular western media today, it is quite normal to find Africa being synonymous with negative narratives. The average westerner thinks of Africa as a country rather than a region and pictures vast wastelands filled with wild animals, no modern societies and a lack of clean water... Finish Reading

man playing a game
SBMM as a Design Problem
Written on November 21, 2019

Skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) is a design choice which pits players of an equal skill set against each other. When utilized properly it makes for interesting competitive gameplay which many strive for. The MDA framework allows us to identify issues associated with SBMM... Finish Reading

Bond, James Bond.
Adapting James Bond into Killing Spree
Written on November 29, 2019

The intellectual property that would be featured in the game is James Bond. The IP could be implemented into the game by adding a character modelled after the James Bond actor and having the character named ‘007’ for instant recognition... Finish Reading


a security camera
Who is Watching the Watchers? Written on October 28, 2019

Facial recognition technology is slowly being adopted into the line of police work making police life much easier but the life of the average citizen much harder. The general public is rightfully worried that the technology is not reliable enough to be used in such an important line of work. Even with these public outcries there is a continued use of facial recognition technology in the police force some of which is improper. So, the question becomes, who watches the watchers? The privacy issue concerns can be addressed by using the technology only on people with active warrants or warning civilians beforehand that they are entering an area surveyed by facial technology. Also, only turning on the technology on body cameras when a given prerequisite enacted by the government is met. Preventing databases and datasets from being viewed and sold to third party companies and hackers is also a necessity in protecting privacy rights. Although facial recognition is evolutionary and helpful the underlying issues which are rooted in the technology’s algorithm make police use of the technology controversial. Removing the bias and privacy concerns from the technology would make police use of the technology better.

Social Issues
Patriarchy strikes again! Written on December 2, 2019

Representation is very important as it controls views on who is the ‘other’ in society. Language has a strong capacity to dictate meaning and therefore is essential when representations of identity are involved. J.L Austin emphasizes that performative language is how notions on gender are derived. Gender itself is defined through ‘stereotypes’ which work to maintain the order in society. Representation of sex and gender in the media currently reinforces stereotypes, making gender performative. The process of trying to represent a group of people without using stereotypical traits is difficult seeing as it is those same tropes that we use to identify these groups of people in society. Language is used to define gender, and these stereotypes are what are used to differentiate one gender from the other. In order to target a group of people and in essence interpellate them one needs to take advantage of these pre-established ‘characteristics’ and notions that they are associated with in order to reach out to them. The way we could battle these clichés and stereotypical representations was to combat the dominant discourses associated with these groups of people and use terms which are not usually associated with them to represent them.

Postmodern Feminism